三重県四日市市のつくだ煮本舗 荒木國一商店さんの新ブランド『國一 / KUNI-ICHI』のロゴからパッケージのデザインを制作。佃煮をもっと気軽に購入できるように「形で魅せ! 思わず手に取りたくなる!!」ワクワクするパッケージを目指し、商品のイメージに合わせ大胆かつ和のテイストの絵柄と、店頭で陳列の際は彩り豊かに見せることができるキューブの形を組み合わせ、視覚からも味を楽しめる仕様に提案いたしました。結果、若い層から年配の方々までセレクトしていただき、お土産から贈り物としての新たな展開に至りました。
KUNI-ICHI ブランドロゴ, パッケージデザイン
Art Director / Graphic Designer : Katsunari Shishido[宍戸克成]
Production : COCODORU[ココドル]
Client : 有限会社 荒木国一商店
Award / Competition / Media
*A' Design Award 2019-2020 Gold受賞 / Milan, Italy
*日本タイポグラフィ2019 入選 - ロゴデザインの部
毎年イタリアのミラノにて開催される世界最大規模の国際的なデザインコンペティションであるA’ Design Award のパッケージデザイン部門にて「三重県のつくだ煮本舗 國一さん」のデザインがGOLD(ゴールド賞)を受賞しました。新ブランドの立ち上げとなるロゴデザインの設計から携わり、パッケージのデザインは佃煮のイメージを大胆にもカジュアルで楽しさ溢れるデザインに変換した挑戦的なプロジェクトでした。
【A’ Design Award & Competitionとは】
✳︎A' Design Award 2019-2020 Gold受賞 デザイン
Katsunari Shishido achieves the prominent Golden A' Design Award
Como, Italy, April 23, 2020 /DESIGNPRWIRE/
A' Design Award and Competition is happy to share that the work Kuniichi by Katsunari Shishido has been announced as a winner of the famous Golden A' Design Award in Packaging Design Competition Category.
【Packaging Design Competition Golden A' Design Award Victor】
A' Design Award and Competition is proud to inform that the packaging project Kuniichi by Katsunari Shishido has been granted the famous Golden A' Design Award in Packaging Design Category highlighted as one of the winners by the international jurors of the A' Design Awards & Competitions amidst thousands of nominated works.
*Additional Details on Kuniichi
Katsunari Shishido, the designer of the award winning packaging project Kuniichi explains “The traditional Japanese preserved food Tsukudani is not well known in the world. A soy sauce-based stewed dish combining various seafood and land ingredients. The new package includes nine labels designed to modernize traditional Japanese patterns and express the characteristics of ingredients. The new brand logo is designed with the expectation of continuing that tradition for the next 100 years.” To learn more visit at: https://competition.adesignaward.com/design.php?ID=101229
*The Golden A' Design Award
The Golden A' Design Award is a prestigious award given to top 3% percentile designs that has exhibited an exemplary level of excellence in design. Entries to the A' Packaging Design Awards are peer reviewed and anonymously judged by a grand jury panel of leading academics, important press members and established professionals. Nominated packaging designs are voted on pre-determined evaluation criteria to highlight only the very best packaging design works. In addition to reaching top international media, A' Packaging Design Award winners are listed at World Design Rankings (worlddesignrankings.com), are highlighted at Design Classification (designclassifications.com) platform and are showcased at DesignMag.org which lists the best designs from all countries in all disciplines.
*About A' Packaging Design Awards
A' Packaging Design Award aims to highlight the excellent qualifications of best packaging designs and greatest packaging design concepts worldwide. The A' Design Accolades are organized and awarded annually and internationally in multiple categories to reach a wide, design-oriented audience. The ultimate aim of the A' packaging Design Competition is to create a global awareness for good design. Learn more at: http://www.whatisadesignaward.com